The Garden of Remembrance

Evanescent olives and ochres are the vanishing tiles in the bathroom,

Meandering through curves and textures of the pages I never saw her touch

Crinkled fingers perpetuated in the tissue-papered fissures of my own


Delicate brushings of umber and walnut resurrect

Winter branches that protrude as thorned memories

The expired chocolates that wither in the box


Highlights of cadmium yellow teeter on the edge

The pale wallpaper that I fade into

Daffodil petals: cadavers

Lydia Lovell

Lydia is a first-year English student at Trevelyan college. Her work focuses on perception through art and self-immersion in shared experiences, and she particularly likes the work of Philip Larkin and E.E. Cummings.


Because you kids fall like maple leaves