The Hosts of Horror: Ghosts and Goblins in a Comparison of Kendare Blake and Christina Rossetti
An essay by Alice Kemp

Book Club: Brit Bennett – The Vanishing Half
Olivia reviews Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half, a novel that tells the tale of two twin sisters that decide to lead very different lives.

Book Recommendations: A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes
Rebecca discusses Natalie Haynes A Thousand Ships, which retells the story of the Trojan War from an all-female perspective.

In the Margins: Novelisation
Issy comments on how film-to-book adaptations have been left out of the literary world, missing out on the appreciation they deserve.

Review: White Teeth by Zadie Smith
Aofike Madeleine reviews Zadie Smith’s first novel.

Don’t Piss in My Porcelain Vagina!
A piece by Alexander Cohen on Marcel Duchamp and Dadaism.

Rereading Bai Juyi
Emma Ferguson revisits the ancient Chinese poet, Bai Juyi.

Book Recommendations: Dark Academia
For those of us missing the hallowed halls of academia, Rebecca Jackson recommends The Secret History and If We Were Villains.

A Century Later: The Legacy of Virginia Woolf
Sash Griffiths muses rather aptly upon the legacy of Virginia Woolf, whose novel To the Lighthouse is the namesake of this publication.