Prebends Bridge

A pause, a breath 

Below us rushes currents of the hour,

Day before we knew another now,

Shy and ebbing, peep over Prebends

And wish for an incandescent ripple. 

The moonlight catches us

In a net of chance and as we watch

The leaves and twigs pass below us 

We hold our hopes until - they emerge 

On the other side, hopeful that 

Something has passed and 

That we may float onwards. 

Sarah Henderson

Sarah Henderson is an English Literature student in her third year. Her work has appeared in Hebe, Palatinate, The Gentian and From the Lighthouse (for which she is now Deputy Editor in Chief). She was longlisted in the Young Poets Network Keats200 challenge and was the winner of the Felix Dennis Young Poets Prize in 2019. You can find more of her work on Twitter:




The Bridge