Life by Dried Waters

Nuke-droughted Harbour. Blood-steel suspension 

Bridge to Sanctuary. Leaving 

Cinema City – we lived to die on stage. 


My fair lady, long is the way up

To the Bardo. It’s no use grieving 

For the old world that has fallen down.


There will be light. There will be life,

Even if the present dissociates from the past,

Like a melancholy-torn umbilical cord.

There will be water and strife that last. 


Yet with malice toward none, malice comes to us

Stone-mossed morning glories, childishly believing 

That the dead are honoured by our lives. 


Every shadow I heave is a God-forsaken child,

Every corner I turn I see a brother stranger,

Every skull they grind and polish their heels on

Is a son of a dying, depraved mother. 


They poeticise without anger. They’re silent 

And thus sorrowful. Fates weaving 

A crypt full of scorched and unburied laughter. 

Leo Li

Leo Li is a full-time third year physics student at St. Mary's College, and a part-time bookworm. His fiction and non-fiction writings have been published on FTL and Palatinate.'




My room is not even that messy I’m just really behind on laundry