Major Picaresque Episode
It comes in rubbing
alcohol and the pair of shoes you
should have deleted the emails but what’s
the use if you can’t block the person who
fed the worms will come back.
When you came
home you
were alone when you were born but your mother
was sucked
dry when
she fed the worms will come back.
You snuck sweets into your
room is nondescript
and you’re not sure
it belongs where you are now
you’re killing a spider with the spine of
a life is sacred but you
were scared
the worms will come back.
So you don’t have to worry
about saying it
aloud if you can’t bring yourself
to think the words will come back.
It shifts when you leave the
room is never left behind
like when you were a dog off its leash
running up for praise when
it brings you the worms will come back.
There’s a bag
of rotting lettuce
you need to eat if you want to get strong
and dainty
like you were in the seventeenth birthday photos you
should have thrown out with your food waste
before the smell
attracted the worms will come back.
Do you remember how you
didn’t speak for a year
you had no one
to think you could call
when things get bad you can always
reach out but
a shout means the worms will come back.
Your plant is dying because you haven’t fed the worms will come back.
You had your cake
for dinner but you haven’t eaten
the old shoes you lost
your phone when your mother
video-calls to remind you to
eat your lettuce
first the worms will come back.
You can find a recorded version of this poem at: Purple Radio Spotify
Illustrated by Talia Jacobs