Shingle Sea-Shore

Illustrated by Ella Clayton.
Illustrated by Ella Clayton. 

The pebbled bank is a natural, steep descent to the water below.

The rocks are cool and polished, buffeted by years of turbulence.

The sky is silvery with threats of rain and momentary glimmers of sunshine.

The breeze is chilling; too cold

To sit.

My arms are dusted with salty fragments

and grains of unavoidable sand.


A handful of sand is a million different stories.

Each granule has embarked on a journey so distinct.


To look meticulously is to experience a centralisation,

A unification of pathways; 

A synthesis of expeditions.

To look more closely at that beige expanse

Is to see an interfusion of contrasting colours.


From this vast coastline I have chosen this spot.

From this spot, this handful of sand.

Within my palm these hundred grains.

They and I are much the same,

Who knows where we can wander from here?


I drop my sand,

Brush off my hand,

And look towards the incessant waves.

Freya Stewart

Freya is an English Literature student entering her second year at John Snow College. This poem was inspired by English summers and east coast beaches and was written for her mum because the beach is her favourite place.



