Marlowe and Leander

Whoso speaks, dreams—

Dreams of a sunless waste:

Suspended far off feeling,

Where thinkers free to fly, flee 

From interpretation — reinterpretation;

And imitation — origination, alike.

To loosen those responsible coils,


Conscience makes pretenders of us all,

Bound to depiction’s precious standards.

Instead, turn free from beauty

Floating on an ugly joke;

Free as Marlowe and Leander,

Drifted from their lyric bed:

Home, I describe, a land without sound.

Charlie Dawson

Charlie is a second-year English Literature student at Josephine Butler college. Inspired by mythology and the classics, he is currently writing poetry. His favourite poet is Emily Dickinson. Charlie can be found on Instagram @charliebdawson


That Home Smell